Welcome to Our Video Library
A catalog of resources we have created to help our customers.
For any questions, please don’t hesitate to call us at (818) 434-7591 or Contact Us.
Which stand should you choose?
Comparison of 3 basic stands
8′ x 8′ Backdrop on a Telescoping Stand
8′ x 8′ Backdrop on a Pipe and Base Frame
Portable Displays
8′ and 10′ Fabric Stretch Display
Compare size difference
8′ x 8′ Fabric Stretch Display
Great size for most events
10′ Wide Fabric Stretch Display
Our most popular!
8′ x 20′ Fabric Stretch Display
Embrace Display
Hop Up Display
3′ Wide Fabric Stretch Display
Simple setup of a 3′ wide fabric stretch display
5′ Wide Fabric Stretch Display
Perfect backdrop for a kid’s birthday!
5′ Wide Fabric Stretch Display
Double-sided display
Media Walls Los Angeles
Media Walls Los Angeles
Watch us set up this media wall for Rhianna
Upgrade to a media wall
Our top-notch product for Los Angeles events
22″ x 28″ Chrome Sign Holder
Hedge Walls
8′ x 8′ Custom Hedge Wall with Cutout Letters and Foam Flowers
Hedge Flats Bookends for Media Wall
DIY Portable Hedge Roll Display
Fabric Hedge Popup
This hedge wall is made out of fabric & easily “pops up”
Hedge Wall Highlights
Highlight reel of hedge walls
10′ Floral Fabric Display
8’x 10′ double-sided floral display
Boxwood Hedge Roll Mats – Portable
Retractable Banner Stands
Hollywood Lite
Budget-friendly for bulk purchases
Interchangeable cassette
Star Retractable
No base shows
Double Star
Double-Sided Retractable
Celebrity Retractable
Hollywood Retractable Display Setup
Pool Floats
See some examples of pool floats
Here are pool floats we created
Pool Float Commercial
Pool float in action
Michael Cerbelli’s THE HOT LIST 2020
Our pool floats featured at The Special Event
Over-the-Top Videos Made by Our Team
Watch our team in action
An order for Brad Pitt?!?
Backdrops for red carpet events…and so much more!
No job too big or too small
Compare 3 different backdrops
Cinco de Mayo Hedge Wall
Happy Cinco de Mayo from Step and Repeat LA
Happy Holidays
Santa Claus loves step and repeats!
Our Team during the Holidays
Merry Christmas from Step and Repeat LA
Bark Mitzvah Photo Backdrop
About Step and Repeat LA
Celebrity Backdrops
How many stars do you see?
What is a step and repeat?
Step and Repeat 101
About Step and Repeat LA
Our backdrops in action
Social Distancing
Social Distancing Floor Stickers
Custom Social Distancing Floor Stickers
Choosing a Backdrop for Your Online Video
Social Distancing Products by Step and Repeat LA
Applying floor stickers to carpet
Safety Products by Step and Repeat LA
Need Additional Help?
If you’ve browsed our video collection and can’t find what you’re looking for, WE CAN HELP!
We have friendly customer service and can offer solutions.