St. Patrick's Day Sale! 17% Off
Don’t miss out on our St. Patrick’s Day Sale! 17% off your entire order! Now through March 20th, 2020. Don’t have an event now, that’s OK, take advantage! Buy Now, Print Later!
Don’t miss out on our St. Patrick’s Day Sale! 17% off your entire order! Now through March 20th, 2020. Don’t have an event now, that’s OK, take advantage! Buy Now, Print Later!
Use our promo code: SWEET2020 and get 14% off all our products during our Valentine’s Day Sale! Starts Feb 3rd – Feb 14th. Call or order online! (818) 434-7591
Santa came early this year!✨🎄 We’re giving you $100 off any purchase over $600! Whoa Ho Ho! CODE: XMASCASH (expires 1/3/20) If you need ideas we’ve got plenty! Check out our gallery at www.stepandrepeatla.com and we’ll help you design your perfect event package 🎁 #backdrop #backdropphotobooth #stepandrepeatbackdrops #stepandrepeatla #mediawall #mediawalls #redcarpet #holiday #holidayparty
Don’t lose your mind! Get the discount! Save 20% on all our packages now through midnight on October 31st, 2019! Use coupon code: Spooky20Web
Take advantage of one of our biggest sales of the year! 20% off all backdrops! Visit our website or call us at (818) 434-7591. #LaborDay #LaborDay2019 #LaborDaySale #LaborDaySale2019#StepandRepeatLA #backdrops
We’re having one of our biggest sales of the year! 20% off all backdrop! That includes media walls too! Don’t miss out! Sale ends Friday, July 5th at midnight! Order online with promo code: 4July19 ~
Step and Repeat LA exhibits once again at Wedding MBA (the top conference for wedding planners around the world)! This year showcasing the new reversible fabric stretch display in different sizes as well as custom bride and groom standups!! Free gifts are offered at the booth along with a chance to win a custom 8×8…
Don’t miss out on one of our biggest sales of the year! 20% off all backdrops until July 6, 2018, at Step and Repeat LA! FABRIC STRETCH DISPLAYS – Sock-like backdrops that stretch over the frame and zip closed at the bottom. Made from a glare-free fabric very similar to spandex! We also have…
OPEN AIR PHOTO BOOTH SERVICING THE LOS ANGELES AREA Don’t miss out on this great opportunity! You have until July 16th to try out our new photo booth for only $395. Take advantage and book now! Here are the details or call (818) 434-7591 or visit our website. PRICING: $395 for 3 hours $50 for each additional…
Okay, I love Starbucks way too much. Especially in the Winter. I always say that the Chai Tea Latte tastes likes Christmas. It really does! Well, we actually give out a $5 gift certifcate to any customer of ours who orders a step and repeat and then sends us a photo! We love photos of our…